Cyber Tech City Project
Cyber Tech City Temples
Cyber City Bots
Cyber Tech City
Yokai Project
Cyber Tech City Temples
Cyber City Bots
Cyber Tech City
Yokai blog
Yokai history and story so far
Yokai-Flowering light trees
Book cover design
Abstract paintings
Reddit Generation 3 artist
Lollipop, a gaming story and larger project based upon my daughter
ACII coding images
Character creation for a comic book/game
Maps and explorations
Yokai Folklore for the trading cards sets
Cybot trading cards, part of a new game I am working on to explore Cyberpunk with folklore
Cyberpunk gaming cards
Opening Day, The gates of Hell (Buddism)
The Night Parade
Photo dolly setups and image selection
Yokai and their stories
Cyber Tech City Comic book / Diary
Cyber Tech City- archives ( the beginning story)
Kitsune, The Transformation
Cyber Tech City concept art / designs
Chinese/Indo Dragon decorative pieces
Ghost month Yokai
Yokai folklore ( cyberpunk edition)
Cybots into the gaming arena's
Cyber Tech City
Cyber City Bots
Bonzai Temples & Shrines
Cyberpunk Yokai
Be your own bank
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