The Night Parade

Night of the 100 Yokai

Night of the 100 Yokai

I took the themese from a Japanese folkore story about a night parade of 100 spirits. They parade through the city streets unkown to most of the city dwellers. I wanted to expand this theme and made a few pieces that focus on this but in a modern city, even as student walks home with headphones and stumbles upon this large mob of various spirits parading through the city streets, all while everyone goes about there business, even sleeping through an event they would never be aware of. This is the first piece set with mist as the girl stops and observes the large head of one spirit (yokai). The others will continue this story of one night through the eyes of this girl who by chance can experience this event.
Working over pixels to keep the ghosts imperfect blurry and off, is a reminder that what we see is meant to scare or show us deformation away from nature.