Yokai- Tree spirits that have moved to larger observation platforms
Yokai- Tree spirits that have moved to larger observation platforms
Lava yokai- They protect the lava basins and magma lakes. They help with rebirth of the forests.
Lava yokai- They protect the lava basins and magma lakes. They help with rebirth of the forests.
Fire Yokai- They are the most mischievous in Cyber Tech City. They take cover in houses, or other indoor areas.
They help with rebirth of the forests. This one is in a small market store.
Mushroom Yokai- The oldest and most ancient of creatures. They reside in gardens, parks adn any place they can plant in the ground.
Mushroom Yokai- The oldest and most ancient of creatures. They reside in gardens, parks adn any place they can plant in the ground.
Yokai are creatures, they are complicated and range from loyal to mischievous, friendly to dangerous. They protect and cause things to happen, now with the technology within the Cyber tech cities they have taken up the responsibilities to look out for what may be unseen to the humans which cause trouble, mischief and misery more than the Yokai have ever caused in the past. The evil and misery that lurks in the shadows, deep in the ruins of the forests, and the abandoned cities from long ago. Now, the Yokai have a stronger purpose to protect what belongs to this world, and to send back the evil land misery that lurks and hides.
So now, they are unseen to humans, only to be seen when needed or their is an occurrence in nature unexplained by our known understanding.