Yokai folklore ( cyberpunk edition)

These characters and the whole ecosystem developed out of a book from my childhood that still intrigues me to this day. It inspired me to draw, create and explore things outside mostly what is known but also the unknown, our imagination. My life in Asia for the last 20 years helped me craft this art and all these character creations.

Yokai are creatures out of Japanese folklore. In English, they are often translated to "demons," which does them a disservice as yokai are not part of a "good versus evil", but binary. They are complicated and range from loyal to mischievous, friendly to dangerous. They protect and cause things to happen, now with the technology within the cybertech cities. They are unseen only to be seen when needed.

They all have evolved through thousands of years of interactions with the environment and humans. Far away from human contact they endure extreme temperatures and harsh environments. If you encounter one, no need to worry just respect your surroundings and you should have no trouble. They guard the seen and unseen with a presence in two worlds.

They are complicated and range from loyal to mischievous, friendly to dangerous. They protect and cause things to happen, now with the technology within the Cyber Tech City. They are unseen only to be seen when needed.