General / 20 July 2022

Exploring our childhood's again

A grown ups in any field we tend to have those specific memories of a toy, a book a movie that took us outside of our real world and let us connect with our imaginations. Most of those I talk to have a hard or even feel odd discussing what toys, objects or areas inspired them to get lost for hours in the summer, on a rainy Saturday afternoon. These little creations and that range from Japanese Folklore to the cyberpunk technology of today connect me back to what speaks

my inspiration to design, create and best of all tell a story. When we look at objects we create or see on the shelves of a store, what does it tell you it wants to be, or what it might give you for the next few weeks as you get into the art and fun with it. This is the par that connects my childhood to now creating.  That will be my next blog, Why we need stories to inspire.