What surprised me the most about creating these bots was how they represent me and us all. I wanted to portray some kind of simple robot that we can connect with. In this current technological era we have SIRI or ALEXA to ask questions too. What I wanted as a kids was my own personal droid, like R2D2, but smaller. Some little tiny bot that can fit in my hand and be a friend, a fun gaming partner and even something that I can upgrade. When, I think of upgrades I as Luke Skywalker would fix R2D2, I knew this was something I could change and even incorporate into some little bot. Creating these bots from drawings, ideas, themes and even seeing technology change over the last two decades gave me different opportunities to create them in a more lifelike manner. We all have our bot, some little creature we want when no one else is around to just be there. Hopefully, soon I will be able to put these together, even make them in to be bought, sold and traded by kids in school and on summer vacations.
Made to be played with, yet hold the technology needed to connect, play and function as a bot we always dream to have should. The plastic, fabric and wires create a likeable character or even bot for us to enjoy.